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Springtime Wilhelm Menzler


Wilhelm Menzler Kassel 1846 – 1926 Munich

Culture German
Date 1909
Object type painting
Medium, technique oil on canvas

35.8 x 49.3 cm

Inventory number 302.B
Collection Department of Art after 1800
On view This artwork is not on display

Wilhelm Menzler, active in Munich, is known for his genre paintings, and the work entitled Springtime is one of his finest. The painting entered the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts in 1912, from the estate of Count Dénes Andrássy. The last lord of the castle in Krasznahorka (now Krásna Hôrka Castle, Slovakia) discovered this painting at an exhibition in the Glaspalast in Munich, where he bought it for his picture gallery.
The colours in the painting are harmonious and restrained. With blossoming fruit trees in the background, the smiling young woman walks across a flowery meadow, the light from the brilliant vernal sunshine alternating with shadows across her hat and her dress. Her clothing also reflects the fashion of the period when the painting was made, when it was common for delicate materials to be adorned with flowers, feathers or ribbons. Menzler was fond of capturing joyful, everyday moments in his paintings, and his image of Springtime radiates with the harmony and bliss of the days of innocence.

Bianka Izsák-Boda


Peregriny, János, Az Országos Magyar Szépművészeti Múzeum állagai. 3.rész, Új szerzemények. 3. füzet: a, Plastikai művek; b, Az 1913. évi szerzemények; c, Kifüggesztésre, elhelyezésre és kezelésre vonatkozó adatok: d, Sorszámszerinti jegyzék; e, Tárgymutató; f, Javítások; g, Tartalomjegyzék, Országos Magyar Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1915.

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